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Bivilla - Sant' Alberto - Zero Branco (TV)
New ALUBEAM 100 assembly of the new profile with innovative construction system - Polifar srl

Residential building municipality of Terni (TR)
Single-family house with 2 floors, with supporting structure in Xlam, 10 cm thick, made in Terni (TR), development ALUEBAM 100 for 113...

Residential building San Miniato (SI)
Single-family house with 2 floors, with supporting structure in Xlam, 10 and 12 cm thick made in San Miniato (SI), development ALUEBAM...

House in Sant'Elia a Pianisi (CB)
Construction of a new single-storey residential building in Sant'Elia a Pianisi (CB), XLAM load-bearing structure, 10cm thick, Alubeam100...

Residential building in Caldogno (VI)
Construction of a new two-story single-family residential building in the municipality of Rettorgole (VI); supporting structure in Xlam,...

Residential building in Santa Maria Codifiume (FE)
Construction of a new single-storey residential building in the municipality of Argenta, in the Santa Maria Codifiume district (FE);...

Residential building in Marsciano (PG)
Construction of a residential building in Marsciano (PG), supporting structure in Xlam, 12cm thick; Alubeam development approximately 52...

Villa in Ecuador
Construction of a luxury residential building "Selva Alegre" in Ecuador with a highly irregular plan; supporting structure in plateform...

Residential building in Scorzè (VE)
Construction of a new single-storey single-family residential building in the municipality of Scorzè (VE), supporting structure in Xlam,...

Semi-detached house in Costabissara (VI)
Semi-detached house with 2 floors with Xlam portal structure, 10cm thick, built in Costabissara (VI); dimensions 12m x 19m, area 227m2,...
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